Office Interior designers in Bangalore

How to Make a Cramped Hotel Room Appear Large?

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  • Office Interior Design

One of the most common problems hospitality interior designers face is that of space constraint. Not all hotel rooms are as large as they like the rooms to be, for proper designing. And that is why they must adjust their hospitality interior designs as per the availability of space. Here are some amazing ways to make a hospitality interior space look larger and more spacious than it actually is.

1. The use of furniture should be in accordance with the size of the room to be designed and decorated. For instance, if the hotel room is too large then using tiny furniture pieces will make it look absurd. If the room is too small, then the use of large furniture pieces will make it look even smaller. The size of the furniture used should be in accordance with the size of the room.

2. The use of large mirrors in a room can make it appear larger. Although this happens because of an illusion, the results are worth admiring.

3. The paints used in the room should be light if the room is already small. Use of warm or dark colours will make a small room look smaller, which is not something what a hospitality interior designer wants.

4. While designing small hospitality interiors in Bangalore, most designers see to it that the lighting in the room is such that it makes it appear larger.

Hospitality interior design firms Bangalore take clever approaches such as the ones mentioned above to design cramped spaces, so that they can be made to look larger.

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